Kitchen craziness, the fire ⭕️ that is the new Inner circle, and Grooooovy Specs, baby!!! - DezignSpace

Kitchen craziness, the fire ⭕️ that is the new Inner circle, and Grooooovy Specs, baby!!!

OMG!!! March is just on FIRE!!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

The YT Kitchen video’s comments are telling me just HOW MANY of us are rolling up their sleeves to do a kitchen re-do! So be sure to check out all the new resources we’ve added, including the just published book on refinishing those fugly cabinets! πŸ“– The link is just below here, in NEW RELEASES πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»

And I’m sooooo excited by how many of you have signed up for the Inner Circle ⭕️ Exclusive Coaching Programs, so many, in fact, that I’ll need to add another series, so let me know if you’re interested by dropping me a line at! YAY!!

And, finally, I’ve added all my Grooooovy new glasses πŸ€“ to the Club Store!!! They’re all listed, and they’re from great and reasonably priced vendors like Warby Parker, Caddis, etc. You’re gonna LUV ’em!!! xoxoxo LΒ